The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is all about the amazing options the Genesys Role Playing Game (RPG) presents. It aims to help both Game Masters and Players build custom content and new material that will allow everyone at the gaming table to create the settings of their dreams.

Saturday Jan 11, 2020
EPISODE 12 - De-mystifying the Mystical 3: Beyond Thunderdome
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
Saturday Jan 11, 2020
In the first show for 2020, GMs Chris and Hooly take a long look at magic in their continuing series on Magic in Genesys. This episode they explore the first part of a discussion on re-skinning magic for a unique setting.
They also explore the use of the Signature Spell talents along with its improved version, even going so far as to explore2 new talents that supplement Signature Spell. They also interview Joshua Taylor about his Critical Elements supplement, available right now on the Genesys Foundry, as well as answering your games and rules questions.
Can you survive this episode as the GMs take you beyond barter town? Two men enter, one system leaves, this week on The Forge.
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:03:08 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:08:01 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:08:12 - Podcast of the Week - Ebberon Renewed
- 00:09:19 - News & Announcements
- 00:20:13 - DIE CASTING: Talents - Signature Spell
- 00:47:07 - THE FURNACE: Genesys Magic (Part 3)
- 02:08:44 - BREAKING THE MOULD: Critical Elements (with Joshua Taylor)
- 02:30:31 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:31:18 - Q1: ICE, ICE, Baby
- 02:42:26 - Q2: You've Lost That Lovin' Healings
- 02:54:55 - WRAP UP

Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
EPISODE 11 - The Fast and the Pharmaceutical
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Fast and ever-in-motion, high-Agility species represent some common and classic archetype concepts. In our final show of the year we take a long look at how to create Agility based archetypes and create two unique archetypes/species for your game.
We also chat with Brett Bowen of Studio 404 Games about their Setting Notebook available right now on the Genesys Foundry. We perform some exploratory surgery on the Medicine skill along with answering your games and rules question. So grab your medicine bag and slip on your running shoes as GM Hooly and GM Chris explore everything Genesys on The Forge!
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:03:39 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:03:46 - Podcast of the Week: Miskatonic University Podcast
- 00:03:51 - News & Announcements
- 00:14:25 - DIE CASTING: Skills - Medicine
- 00:57:32 - THE FURNACE: Archetypes (Agility)
- 01:50:44 - BREAKING THE MOULD: Setting Notebook (with Brett Bowen)
- 02:21:36 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:21:53 - Q1 - Templar or Not to Templar
- 02:30:07 - Q2 - What Happens When?
- 02:37:18 - WRAP UP

Monday Dec 09, 2019
EPISODE 10 - De-mystifying the Mystical 2: Electric Boogaloo
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
This week on The Forge we continue our in-depth look at Magic in the Genesys Role Playing Game as we examine the many things not discussed in Episode 8 including Careers, Strain costs, and the use of Advantages, Triumphs, Threats and Despairs. We even add three more Magic Rules of Thumb to our existing list from Episode 8.
We also explore the use of the Negotiation skill in Die Casting, chat with David Morris, creator of Monstrum Encyclopedia in Breaking the Mould, and answer several games and rules questions from our Patreons and listeners on Under the Hammer. So ready those wands. And grab your spell components as GM Hooly and GM Chris open their big book of spells on The Forge!
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:03:14 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:03:26 - Podcast of the Week - Guardians of the Whills Podcast
- 00:04:58 - News & Announcements
- 00:26:00 - DIE CASTING - Skills: Negotiation
- 01:16:59 - THE FURNACE - Genesys Magic (Part 2)
- 01:57:35 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Monstrum Compendium (with David Morris)
- 02:16:31 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:17:07 - Q1 - A Social Setting
- 02:27:27 - Q2 - More Machine than...person?
- 02:39:54 - Q3 - Conversion Conundrum
- 02:45:32 - WRAP UP

Friday Nov 22, 2019
EPISODE 9 - Cunning Conundrums
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
This week we continue our series on Archetypes with a look at the clever, the observant, and perhaps conniving as we make a Perception check to find those species with a high Cunning attribute. We even create a couple of unusual archetypes that still fit this archetype concept. In Die Casting we look at two commonly mistaken skills - Athletics and Coordination.
We chat with Christopher Ruthenbeck about his Archetypal Species supplement and answer several listener questions in Under the Hammer. Additionally, we make a special announcement about the Podcast that you are going to want to hear. So, dust off your elven cloaks, break out your survival gear, and ready your shadow suit as GM Hooly and GM Chris examine a cunning conundrum on The Forge.
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:01:54 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:02:08 - Podcast of the Week - Order 66 Podcast
- 00:03:03 - News & Announcements
- 00:07:14 - Gamer Nation Con 2019
- 00:11:23 - Patreon Announcement
- 00:17:28 - DIE CASTING: Skills - Athletics and Coordination
- 00:43:10 - New Talents
- 00:46:26 - THE FURNACE: Archetypes (Cunning)
- 01:06:16 - The Kitsune (GM Hooly)
- 01:16:46 - The Shadow-Kin (GM Chris)
- 01:27:19 - BREAKING THE MOULD: Archetypal Species (with Christopher Ruthenback)
- 01:59:58 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:00:35 - Q1 - Copy/Paste Setting
- 02:06:06 - Q2 - Another Level
- 02:12:04 - Q3 - Forgotten Knowledges
- 02:16:27 - WRAP UP

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
EPISODE 8 - De-mystifying the Mystical
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
The topic that is at the top of our most asked about list is magic. The how’s, the why’s, and the why-nots. We here at the podcast have heard the call, and this episode, we set about starting our response to your questions by breaking down magic into its simplest forms. From explaining the best way to inform new players how magic works, to creating new spell actions, and everything in between.
Not to be outdone, on Die Casting we answer a burning question about the Basic Military Training talent and how to make your own talents using this as a template. In Breaking the Mould, we speak with the author of the Inquisition setting, Guillaume Tardif, about the setting and how it all works. And we also make some time to answer a couple of listener questions about running the net and creating a mage-punk setting. So, have your spell book at the ready, as GM Hooly and GM Chris de-mystify the mystical on The Forge.
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:02:24 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:02:52 - Podcast of the Week - Shared Sagas Podcast
- 00:04:07 - News & Announcements
- 00:10:37 - DIE CASTING - Talent: Basic Military Training
- 00:35:16 - THE FURNACE - Genesys Magic (Part 1)
- 02:05:34 - New Spell: Telekinesis
- 02:23:03 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Inquisition (with Guillaume Tardif)
- 03:02:52 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 03:03:14 - Q1 - Net Actions Blues
- 03:10:57 - Q2 - Magepunk Setting Quandary
- 03:20:55 - WRAP UP

Monday Oct 28, 2019
EPISODE 7 - The Wise and the Wilful
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
In this week's episode we continue our series examining the various Archetypes in the Genesys Role Playing Game, this time with a focus on Willpower. Whether it be the wise, the quick, or the downright scary, GMs Chris and Hooly step you through the creation process by delving into the ways and means of the Willpower based characters. They even break down the math on two of their own creations, the God Touched and the Treant Sapling, with an in-depth discussion on their builds.
We also talk to the amazing Sterling Hershey about his Shadow of the Beanstalk mini-campaign, Power Play. Additionally we unpack the Discipline skill in Die Casting, and answer several of your games and rules questions in Under the Hammer. As a bonus, we make a special announcement about Gamer Nation Con 2020.
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:05:29 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:05:41 - Podcast of the Week - The Story Told Podcast
- 00:06:43 - News & Announcements
- 00:15:10 - DIE CASTING - Skills: Discipline
- 01:14:00 - THE FURNACE - Archetypes (Willpower)
- 02:22:18 - Species: God Touched (GM Chris)
- 01:19:22 - Species: Treant Sapling (GM Hooly)
- 01:32:25 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Power Play (with Sterling Hershey)
- 02:01:43 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:02:33 - Q1 - Is my supplement TLDNR?
- 02:17:53 - Q2 - Copy or not to copy?
- 02:26:00 - Q3 - Setting Mashup
- 02:37:10 - WRAP UP
- 02:39:27 - ANNOUNCEMENT: Gamer Nation Con 2020

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
EPISODE 6 - Laying It All Out
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
With an ever-increasing library of products available on the Foundry, have you ever stopped to consider what you're looking at? Not the words on the page, but the visuals. The art, the paragraphs, the backgrounds, and the appearance of the document? If you have, and it fascinates you, then have we got a show for you, as we get to discuss the ins and outs of layout with the ever-amazing Katrina Ostrander.
Plus, we take a dive into the talent ‘One With Nature’ and how you can use it as a template for other strain recovering talents - and yes we build some on the show. We also talk to John Dunn about his Anthrochimerics offering for the Genesys Foundry, and answer some of your games and rules questions. So, buckle up listeners, as GM Hooly and GM Chris take you for another long ride (or is that drive), into The Forge.
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:03:09 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:03:25 - Podcast of the Week - AGEIS Podcast
- 00:04:11 - News & Announcements
- 00:10:13 - DIE CASTING - Talents: One With Nature
- 00:38:21 - THE FURNACE - Layout with Katrina Ostrander
- 02:22:18 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Anthrochimerics (with John Dunn)
- 02:43:50 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:44:37 - Q1 - Rolling Blanks
- 02:59:02 - Q2 - Drive It Baby
- 03:04:54 - Q3 - Soak or Not to Soak
- 03:07:04 - WRAP UP

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
EPISODE 5 - Harvesting Adventure
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
On this episode of The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast, we'll take you through the steps of creating Adventure Seeds for your next campaign or product with the help of an esteemed expert, a man with over 30 FFG products behind him, the much loved Mr Sterling Hershey, as we welcome him to the show.
We also open the creaking door and journey into the world of things that go bump in the night in a discussion with Scott Zumwalt, developer of the Something Strange Genesys RPG Setting. In Die Casting we take a long look at the ever mocked skill of Resilience, and also take the time to answer your games and rules questions.
So join your hosts GM Hooly and GM Chris for another bumper 3+ hour episode of The Forge!
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:02:43 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:02:56 - Podcast of the Week - Miskatonic University Podcast
- 00:04:46 - News & Announcements
- 00:14:28 - DIE CASTING - Skills: Resilience
- 00:58:45 - THE FURNACE - Adventure Seeds with Sterling Hershey
- 02:16:41 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Something Strange (with Scott Zumwalt)
- 02:48:58 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:49:48 - Q1 - Group Checks
- 02:58:30 - Q2 - Pierce Quality
- 03:03:26 - Q3 - Grappling
- 03:11:51 - WRAP UP

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
EPISODE 4 - Always on the Mooove
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
This episode we begin a new irregular series focusing on building archetypes for your settings. For our first instalment, we are heading for the chopper, with two snakes heads...like this [ok, so we know visual gags don't really work]. So if you love the brutish and the mean, the big and the nasty, then look no further than developing your BRAWN based archetypes and species with us on the podcast - we even build one live on the show!
We also get to talk talent groups in Die Casting - creating 2 Talents in the process - and sit down to speak with Chris Hunt about the Power of the Vril. To finishing it off, we showcase the latest releases from the Genesys Foundry and answer a couple of rules questions.
So if you want to "move it, move it", come and join your hosts GM Hooly and GM Chris as they get to MOVE IT! in a bumper 3 hours episode of The Forge!
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.
- 00:00:00 - INTRODUCTION
- 00:02:24 - STOKING THE FIRE
- 00:02:41 - Podcast of the Week - Eberron Renewed
- 00:04:03 - News & Announcements
- 00:12:45 - DIE CASTING: Talents - The Standard, the Improved, and the Supreme
- 00:58:56 - THE FURNACE: Archetypes (Brawn)
- 02:23:46 - BREAKING THE MOULD - Power of the Vril (with Chris Hunt)
- 02:53:25 - UNDER THE HAMMER
- 02:53:50 - Q1 - Martial Knowledge Skill
- 03:01:22 - Q2 - Its an Ambush!
- 03:08:53 - WRAP UP

Friday Aug 30, 2019
EPISODE 3 - Testing Your Metal
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
This episode we welcome first time podcast guest and RPG Developer Alexis Dykema to help us tackle a most important topic for anyone submitting their products to the Genesys Foundry, and that's Playtesting. We dive deep into this topic to pick Alexis' brain on the best ways to handle this process to make your products the best.
We also talk with Darren West about his Terrinoth Adventure Haedra's Shard (Part 1), engage in a lengthy discussion on the use of the Knowledge skill in your settings, and tackle two listener questions with a ton of relevant information for the discerning developer.
So come and join your hosts GM Hooly and GM Chris as they test your mettle (or is that metal) in the development of your settings for the Genesys Foundry in this massive episode of The Forge!
- E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
- Website: www.forgegenesys.com
- Social Media: @forgegenesys
- Podbean: http://forgegenesys.podbean.com/
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/forgegenesys
- Google: http://shorturl.at/DR023
- RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/forgegenesys/feed.xml
- Patreon: http://patreon.com/forgegenesys
iTunes (US) | iTunes (UK) | iTunes (Australia) | iTunes (Canada) | iTunes (Ireland) | iTunes (Germany) | iTunes (NZ)
Don't forget to drop us a review on Facebook, iTunes, YouTube or send us an e-mail.
The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast is a proud member of the d20 Radio Network. For more information about the network visit www.d20radio.com.